Pink Fire Pointer Interactive Marketing: Bring Alive the Retro Experience With Internet Radio Networks!



Bring Alive the Retro Experience With Internet Radio Networks!

The electronic world of the 21st century offers multiple entertainment options. But nothing evokes the retro feel as much as the radio. There was a time when radios were the only source of entertainment. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note the popularity of radio even today. However, this medium of entertainment has undergone a sea revolution in the present scenario. Internet radio is the latest gift of technology to mankind, catering to a universal range of tastes. It's quite possible that your once favorite local radio station has already started streaming its broadcast signal on the Internet! However, most of us are hardly interested in moving from one website to another to listen to our favorite shows.

The pleasure of station surfing is undeniably great. For this, use of internet radio networks or aggregators is advisable. Shoutcast, Live365, and Yahoo LaunchCast are some of the renowned Internet radio networks. A streaming audio player in your laptop or desktop PC is required to receive Internet broadcasts and for the functioning of radio networks. Once the player has been installed, browse through the station guide. The innumerable radio stations will simply leave you spoilt for choice! Celtic music, Anime-inspired games, bluegrass, Hawaiian music, Broadway themes, UK Garage electronica- the options are endless!

Radio channels accessible via Internet radio networks are derived from a variety of sources- over-the-air AM, FM and shortwave stations around the world. A number of these stations exist solely for Internet broadcast and are even commercial-free in contrast to the long commercial breaks on over-the-air stations. Besides, network station guides display the name of the current tune being played. You can even search for your favorite artist or music genre to sort out a list of your favorite numbers.

Internet radio helps you to relax even at work. This application runs in the background without disrupting your daily load of work. So listen to music or an interesting discussion while going through your emails or when brainstorming with your spreadsheet. Internet radio networks have even made possible customization of your radio experience. Several networks allow members to create their own radio dial and dashboard. Constant innovations are being introduced in this stream, thus making your experience even more eclectic. Internet radio has succeeded in reviving the retro feel, but with a difference!

Suzanne Macguire is an Internet marketing professional with keen interest in Internet radio and franchise e-learning.