Pink Fire Pointer Interactive Marketing: Management and AMP-Maximize your time



Management and AMP-Maximize your time

Many companies are losing so much time.

You are going in circles on things that do not have money for new customers or you can even do some things and a lot of marketing strategies that they say, is still working, but they do not work for you. Does this sound familiar?

You have so much potential and so much of your product or you have not yet reached enough people. It's a shame. Most of the time, but it can be fixed quite easily by looking at how you manage your time better. After all, when you release some of your time by delegating, automating and systematizing what you can spend more time on sales and marketing activities and this is what brings new customers and clients.

Many great management gurus of the time talking about all the time, but they speak, what and why, and how is it practical details of specific problems and what to do instead. So here's the real scoop on how to do more and how to bring more qualified new leads each month for your business.

5 steps to manage your time and you can have more time to really focus sales and marketing.

1) Calendarize your life for more structure.

Fun garden blocks, holidays, family and self-set time in your schedule for your first day, you can focus on specific projects and tasks * Schedule primary network events (local or not), then your next appointment your calendar or schedule of calls from customers and business

2) Organize your e-mail. Locations, paperwork and files

By type or category of funnel in the records of your inbox (especially newsletters)

Maintain records, documents, letters to clients in programs or folders on your desktop to store, filter files by more than one year of free storage space on the CD.

Print only what is really needed for the print service to customers, accounting, or other document if you need to keep an old customer files, pack them in a closet in your garage or office, but they clean after one year.

3) Monitor and analyze your time and Back:

Keep track of everything you do every day business and personal control 24 / 7 at least one week, you would not want to do good and do not want to marry or not to outsource their work to this once every 6 months, and more things you will be able to publish.

4) Aid for Trade

Rent for yardwork, cleaning, shopping, laundry, child care, shopping, paying bills, preparing meals and more free time for your business profit. Vardzel assistants to the list above the things you are not good, do not like, or simply not be done should be done (as in your marketing)

5) coordinate and monitor social media

Develop a system to learn how to get 250 new people every week and more on social media, interacting with them, not only the information explosion.

Develop a model to models, which can speed up your online connection.