Pink Fire Pointer Interactive Marketing: Real Estate and the Internet



Real Estate and the Internet

Hello and Welcome to the Real Estate TV. My name is Rey Ybarra and I host and produce this dynamic on-demand web program. Even in this era of change in the definition of the requirement of digital programming, particularly in real estate. The industry has changed dramatically in recent years and that many professionals in the multi-billion dollar industry changes necessary to change it.

As we approach the mid-2007, I was absolutely amazed at how technology is the speed reshape how business is done, especially through the Internet as a television talk show hosts, I ' I saw first hand the effectiveness and speed of digital programming. According to the NAR, 94% of all real estate transactions begin on the Internet, with the remaining percentages are divided by newspaper advertising and listing properties for sale signs.

It's an incredible change. This represents a transition to me how many people in the business on the Internet are public, so the pressure of time, that even today the most precious commodity we have now. You can say that now we all live in a digital computer for real estate entrepreneur, this can be a great advantage for you. The playing field is leveled, and now you can compete with Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies in the privacy of your home.

The drawback of this scenario is too small to medium business owners do not have time to learn the basics of this technology for their fabulous company, and because they do not learn, or take the time to do so, countless opportunities to pass. Here the main problem of this type of approach and thinking of our We have all heard that "If it is not broke, why fix it? This attitude and approach that simultaneously kills many businesses in this area but those who adapt businness and businesses, and begin to learn new skills and technologies at their disposal, they can easily quadruple their business in a month.

That's why I created Real Estate TV Channel. We produce high quality "demand" programming software Internet TV, which we have produced some of the best shows that real estate in Southern California. This salon industry is a billion dollar a year enterprise in the Southern California market alone is a billion dollar a year industry. We also produce television studio interviews and interviews with many of the best channels of Internet video streaming for you to use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere on the planet. We also create our award-winning Vlog daily updates and create a 2-way dialogue with you.

We also have the opportunity Webinar technology that evolves as rapidly as computer training and education will help Ove: Yes, we left no stone unturned to help you understand and become an Internet giant by looking and join our program. We need to produce an incredible amount of programming during the last semester, with the creation of something that your training Webinars outstandig highly competitive real estate services, such as watch and learn, and let us know how we do. Real Estate TV, you channel!