Pink Fire Pointer Interactive Marketing: It is inevitable: "Me too" Marketer



It is inevitable: "Me too" Marketer

You said, "Me too" marketing. I said, "I have, marketing" for a small business, especially small businesses, says most of their marketing and promotions, "Well, I got it." "It" Being an independent product or service category they compete in. "Me too" marketers do not differ. 'Me too' marketers are ignored.

I will choose the category car dealer to show what I mean: 'Me too' Marketing: Try this: take the car on the city, concentrating the main streets, just behind the car dealerships, I bet you will find at least one of the largest brokers. for all the famous brands, and each of them will be at least four or five dealers of used cars, CarMax is a mega spread like a man with several dozen or even a car.

But look, really look ... What was the difference between all these ironworkers. They all had shiny cars aligned in rows. They all had multi-colored flags or banners floating heads. Their TV Ads The feature that, in general, announcer of breath, which is only shouting his message, usually accompanied by a quick-cut images of cars zipping around curves with driving (pun intended), background music rock. They are dominated by a full page newspaper photograph with titles like "Sell-A-Thon" or long lists of cars and prices, nearly unreadable type small.

They all look and sound so similar, you can say to another as "I" MARKETING.

Yes, your small business is likely to be similar to the products or services, if not exactly like the others. And probably not --- can your prices. --- To be materially different from the others. What do you want to be a "me too" but it should be, "I'm different" marketing.

Ramacitti Dave is co-founder and chief content developer for marketing easy, a new website dedicated to helping small businesses to be smart marketing.