Pink Fire Pointer Interactive Marketing: Podcasts - Radio of the Future



Podcasts - Radio of the Future

I do not know why, but every once in a while, someone will try to promote their product saying it will replace something. That age is an obsolete technology and will go the way of the dinosaurs.

The podcasts are. In many ways, which have grown out of broadcasting. And occasionally someone will get on his horse and claim that as victims of radio podcasting.

Is not gonna happen!

Statements like that really just shows the lack of understanding of what a podcast is and where it fits. It ignores the audience. And does not take into account the subject or theme of the issue. Now keep in mind that I am talking here about podcasting. Not only in the recordings of previous broadcasts available online.

Modern Radio is an entertainment medium. Their goal - no matter the format - is to keep the public entertained. That's why we tend to the agile, high energy DJs and broadcasters. That's why radio is focused on the controversy. His goal is to keep people engaged on an emotional level. No intellectual level.

Podcasts on the other side have become a means of education. In fact, with only a few hiccups at the beginning have always been. People who are customers of podcasts looking to fill their time with something useful. That is why bother to download the podcast. Satellite Radio, regular radio, even radio web is easier to hear. It requires less effort. Why make the effort of downloading entertainment when live is much easier.

That is also why music is the preferred format for the radio. If it is rock, pop, folk, classical or country. O mixed. Most modern radio is music. Yes, there are radio programs. Yes, there are sports broadcasting. Yes, there is news. But the vast majority of radio waves - literally, satellite or virtual - has been taken with the music.

However, the preferred format - almost literally unique format - for podcasts is education. You may be conferences, seminars, interviews, audio or magazine. But the content is almost always education.

Podcasting and radio serve two different markets. One focused on entertainment and music. Mindless fun, if you prefer. The other focuses on improving the mind and filling time lost with something useful. Confusing the two will result in a podcast that does not quite satisfy your market. A podcast that ultimately,