Pink Fire Pointer Interactive Marketing: Marketing your book on the Radio



Marketing your book on the Radio

Have you heard the radio lately If so, chances are you've heard of an author's latest book about him or her. According to the Let's Talk Radio Marketing Website Radio advertising has proven to be one of the most cost effective means of reaching your target audience.

In other words, the radio gives you the most bang for your buck. I wanted my new book to reach a wider audience, so I asked a marketing company to reach a plan that focuses on radio, including ads in the Radio-TV Interview Report and A guest Radio Grande . Why radio

Radio is everywhere at home, in the neighborhood, in the car, in the workplace, and marketplace. Satellite to transmit radio programs to listeners around the world. Campers listen to radio programs on solar energy and passengers to listen to programs on computers.

Convenience is another plus radio. To be on the radio that does not have to fly across the country or drive 50 miles, just answer the phone. Better yet, you may be sitting in his pajamas, the use of mismatched socks, hair standing up straight, and listeners do not know. You can check your notes during the interview, which may not be able to do on television.

Disadvantage of radio is the lack of images - images, color and movement - to take viewers' attention.  As the radio does not offer the image, the main advantage is the sound, says It should confidence in his voice. The audience can not see you or your book's cover, but you can draw your attention to the words you choose and your words create images.

I've been on radio stations from the likes of CBS in New York and WCCO in Minneapolis-St. Paul, but one of the best shows I've been shown Jacqueline Marcella, Coping with care. It is a monthly publication, Internet-only radio program broadcast around the world. Httpwww.wsRadio.comCopingWithCaregiving listeners listening on. Once the program has been broadcast is archived for listeners who missed it or want to hear it again.

What makes the program special Jacqueline Marcella is a good listener, a vital ingredient for any show hostess or host. Because of the challenges he has faced - a parent with Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer - you really want to hear what they have to say. Being on his show was pure joy.

Before I'm in the air to connect to the Internet for information about the program. Although not always possible, I try to listen to the show early. If you ask me to provide interview questions to be brief. I rehearse what I say, focus on casual delivery.

For me, radio is an investment in my work. It is too early to know if my invesement will pay off in the royalties. Meanwhile, I'm having the time of my life. Marketing my book on the radio has become a mini marketing course. I'm learning a lot, have fun and meet fascinating people. Stay tuned!